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"Leviathan" is based on the true story of a great white whale named Mocha Dick that Melville apparently based his classic tale about "Moby Dick" upon. Mocha Dick was killed about ten years before Melville's classic tale was published. My song seeks to pay tribute to Mocha Dick that reportedly - based on sailing logs - out battled 100 ships and when finally "harvested" had 19 harpoons still hanging on him, some writings say "20" harpoons, and it's been said that he may have been trying to protect a female whale and her calf. Rick


"Leviathan (Dark Dreams)
by: Rick Landers (c) 2021

(Am) If you could see be(F)hind these (Am) eyes
This is not some (F) fairy (C) tale
(Am) About a man's mind (F) lost at (Am) sea
Outwitted by a (G) great white (Am) whale

A (Am) harpoon's line (F) twisted the (Am) frail
shattered leg (F) above the (C) knee
he (Am) found himself (F) upon the (CAm waves
that bite was clean from that (G) muscled (Am) knave

One hundred throws, (F) decades would (Am) pass
The ships would heave, men (F) breathed their (C) last
The great (Am) leviathan would (F) sound and (Am) breach
that storied beast, (G) beyond their bloody (Am) reach

(Em) Sailing round (F) Chilean grounds
(Em) Their fears unsaid
Ships (F) forged a head
and the (C) sea turned red
Filled their (G) Yankee heads
with dark (Am) dreams

(Am) He'd sound and breach
their (F) wails and (Am) woes
The captain pulled his (F) three-draw
(C) glass
the (Am) man aloft yelled (F) "There she (Am) blows."
A lucky wind would (G) fill their (Am) masts


Two points on the (F) weather bow
(Am) Three were seen, (F) one with (C) child
A (Am) newborn calf, (F) born just (Am) now
the great white whale would (G) stand his (Am) ground

(Am) He'd seen it (F) all (Am) before
whaling boats and their (F) frenzied (C) speed
(Am) blooded oars swung (F) high then (Am) dig
Then he'd plunge below and (G) rise the (Am) Beast


(Am) He weathered (F) nineteen
(Am) blows
His two loved ones (F) safely (C) below
(Am) A crimson tide, foes (F) traded (Am) blows
The great white whale was (G) slain, then (Am) stowed
The (G) men grew quiet for the (Am) seed they'd sown

(Am) His body held in a (F) hundred (Am) casks
heading toward (F) Nantucket (C) Sound
Sea (Am) rovers, soon (F) home at (Am) last
With oil aplenty to (G) light their (Am) lamps


(Am) If you could see be (F) hind these (Am) eyes
This is not some (F) fairy (C) tale
(Am) About a man's mind (F) lost at (Am) sea
Outwitted by a (G) great white (Am) whale
Outwitted by a (G) great white (Am) whale
Outwitted by a (G) great white (Am) whale